Coombe Wood School

Pupil Premium & Covid Catch Up Strategy

Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?

The pupil premium (PP) is a type of funding. The school receives the pupil premium each academic year from the government. The amount is determined by the number of students receiving free school meals (FSM) currently or within the last six years (Ever6), the number of looked after children (LAC) within the school and the number of previously looked after students who have been adopted from care. The government provides this funding to ensure that these students achieve as highly as possible and in line nationally with their non-pupil-premium peers. Around 27.5% of our school population are currently pupil premium students (significantly above the national average) and, up to April 2022. This is expected to rise for the 2022/23 financial year due to increasing numbers of students qualifying for free school meals. The pupil premium funding is an essential part of us “realising potential” - a guiding principle of the school's mission statement.

Use of the Pupil Premium

The pupil premium is used at Coombe Wood School to provide three things. Firstly, it is used to improve high quality learning and teaching; secondly, it helps to support students accessing and enjoying a broad range of educational experiences; and finally, it is used to directly support these students with their studies. The funding is discussed as part of the annual budget-setting process and the priorities are determined by the individual and group needs of students entitled to the funding. The provision and spending of the pupil premium fund is regularly monitored and analysed by the headteacher and information concerning attendance, exclusions and outcomes for these students is provided to the governors termly. All staff are involved in ensuring that any barriers to learning and progress are highlighted and overcome within classes.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement