Student Absence
If your child is ill, it is crucial to report their absence to the school. You can do this via ClassCharts, which can be easily downloaded to your mobile phone from the app store or Google Play. Please notify the school as soon as possible, preferably before 8:00 am.
In the event of your child's absence, provide the following details on ClassCharts: your child's full name, form, the form tutor's name, and a brief reason for their absence. Remember to log this information for each day your child is unable to attend. If your child is experiencing sickness or diarrhoea, do not send them back to school until 24 hours after their symptoms have ceased.
If your child falls ill while at school, they should proceed directly to the school office. The school office will contact you if they determine that your child is too unwell to remain in school. Please note that students should not contact their parents or carers using personal mobile phones.
For planned absences, such as medical appointments, we encourage you to schedule these outside of school hours. If your child must attend a doctor or dentist appointment during school hours, please provide a note at least three days before the appointment. Show the note to your child's Form Tutor and provide a copy to the school office. Parents and carers should be prepared to collect their child from school for such appointments.
In general, leave of absence will only be considered in exceptional circumstances, such as compassionate grounds. If you need to request a leave of absence, please complete the necessary form and submit it to the Headteacher.
Please click here to fill in the Leave of Absence form.
Unauthorised absence
Unauthorised absences are those which the School does not consider reasonable and for which no leave has been given. The School is the authorising body for an absence.
Please note Coombe Wood School does not authorise holidays during term time.